Flea and Tick Advice

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There are several ways to prevent your dogs and cats from being attacked by fleas. These are suggestions that was given to me by a well respected vetinarian. 3waypetgrooming  is in NO way responcible for any allergic reactions or adverse affects if you try any of the ways below. We were told that it was safe and we are just passing along information.

1. Keep your pet protected each month by using sprays, dips or the drops that go on the back. Frontline, Advantage and Advantix are all top of the line sprays and they also make the drops. They must be repeated every 30 days or as directed by the label in order to keep working. Forgetting to repeat as needed will cause fleas and ticks to spread.

2. Fleas are also more fluent in homes with carpeting. The carpet, no matter how clean is a nesting area for fleas. If your dog has a heavy infestation of fleas and you have carpet, sweep your carpet with your vacuum thoroughly. When your finished, remove the bag, get it out and away from the house immediatly. Go to your local farm service center and find out what types of spray would be safe for killing fleas in carpet. Spray or use the flea carpet powder. If your using the spray, REMEMBER to remove all other pets from the house like birds, gerbils, ferretts etc. Let the house ventilate before bringing your pets back in. When you do, after spraying, please vacuum again and remove bag and throw away. It may be alot of trouble, but it keeps the flea eggs from hatching and causing a reinfestation.

3. Use granuals on your yard to keep fleas and ticks dead. Your local farm service dealer or Lowe's or Home Depot will explain about all of the types and how to use them.

4. Put 2 teaspoons of vinager into one gallon of water. Use this as the drinking water for dogs and cats. They may not like the taste at first, but it will give a scent to them that insects don't like. If your pet has any type of health problems or is on any types of medications, please ask your vetinary before using the vinager.

5. Give your dog or cat one garlic gel tablet a day for one week. After giving it the first week, give one geltab garlic tablet to your dog once a week from then on. Once the garlic gets into their system, it also gives your pet a scent that fleas, ticks, misquitos, and even knats don't like. It is even safe for dogs that are nursing puppies and will help fleas from getting on the puppies as bad.

6. If you do have a dog or cat who is heavily infested with fleas or ticks, please check the color of its gums and tongue. If your pets gums are white or the tongue is, please get them to a vetinarian as soon as possible. They are in extreme danger of dying and are anemic.

7. If you bath your dogs at home, there are alot of shampoos that have flea killers in them. Most of the time, you can get them at your local Wal Mart, K Mart or any other department store where you shop locally. It is important that you leave it on as directed before shampooing off for it to work correctly. Please read the label for each individual product.